ISO 9001

Quality Management System

The ISO 9001 standard is an internationally recognised global standard that reaffirms an organisation's commitment to improving quality, delivering more efficient operations, and increasing customer satisfaction Developed by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), it is the most widely used standard in the world and helps companies develop new markets and put customers at the heart of the organisation through the implementation of a quality management system (QMS)

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ISO 9001 Certification


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  • Ideell for alle bransjesektorer og alle størrelser av organisasjoner - fra små og mellomstore bedrifter til store selskaper.

What is ISO 9001?

The ISO 9000 series of standards provides the principles of quality management and the framework for implementing a quality management system, such as ISO 9001:2015 This standard is the world's leading standard for quality management, with over one million organisations implementing it in more than 170 countries

The ISO 9001:2015 standard provides a framework for implementing a quality management system that helps businesses operate more efficiently and focus on customer satisfaction through quality products and services It also helps businesses meet customer and regulatory requirements related to product quality assurance

Senior management can use the ISO 9001:2015 standard throughout the organisation to improve performance or within a specific department, factory, or department ISO 9001 Quality System Certification provides a framework for quality management methodologies that enables organisations to:

  • Ensure consistency in the delivery of products and services to customers

  • Increase organisational competitiveness through operational efficiency

  • Increase productivity and help reduce waste and costs

  • Ensure compliance with product and service regulations and legislation

  • Enable organisations to embed practices for continuous improvement

What are the benefits of the ISO 9001 standard?

Implementing a quality management system provides a number of benefits for organisations and offers a holistic approach to the continuous improvement of products, services, and operations ISO 9001 quality management system certification demonstrates a commitment to quality and customer service, increasing trust in your company with customers and stakeholders.

An effective quality management system enables organisations to optimise processes, engage employees, and develop strategic leadership skills that help position the organisation for growth

Some benefits of the ISO 9001 standard include:

  • Increased productivity and more consistent results

  • Increased customer satisfaction and returning customers

  • Identify cost savings through process efficiencies

  • Improved communication, planning, and management processes

  • Demonstrate compliance with quality-related regulations

  • Identify and control quality assurance risks that your organisation is facing

  • Improve your business with evidence-based decision-making

How to become ISO 9001 certified?

Achieving the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard involves the implementation of a quality management system.

Several organisations have been certified to various ISO standards by Dovre Sertifisering, including companies such as Beerenberg, Risa, Stangeland

Our ISO assessment experts will conduct a comprehensive multi-step assessment process to audit your quality management system and determine if your organisation is compliant with ISO 9001 requirements If your company needs a gap analysis before certification, we can also provide this service to your company

Start your journey towards certification

Contact our team for a free and no-obligation quotation from us so that you can start the process towards certification.

We tailor our offerings to meet your requirements, and we support a range of ISO standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ISO 3834-2

Find out more about Dovre Certification's accreditations, discover our customer testimonials and find out more about how we can certify your management system
