ISO 3834-2

Quality requirements for welding

The ISO 3834 standard ensures that quality is maintained in welding execution, and describes how to build up a management system in the execution of various welding applications.

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ISO 3834-2 Certification

ISO 3834-2 is part of the ISO 3834 standard series which focuses on quality requirements for welding metallic materials. This specific standard is aimed at companies that want to ensure the highest quality in their welding projects, and it provides detailed guidelines, regulations and technical requirements to achieve this. The standard is internationally recognized.

The ISO 3834-2 standard gives organizations working with welding a structured framework for systematically handling preparation for welding, execution and final inspection of welded joints and products. The standard also sets requirements for documentation and competence and provides a framework for compliance with regulations.


Achieving ISO 3834-2 certification shows a commitment to establish and continuously improve the company's systems for reliable welding performance.

What are the advantages of the ISO 3834-2 standard?

Implementing a welding execution management system provides a number of benefits to organizations and offers a holistic approach to continuous improvement of products, services and operations. ISO 3834-2 certification demonstrates a commitment to quality and customer service, and increases trust in your company among customers and stakeholders. An effective welding performance management system enables organizations to optimize welding processes, engage employees, increase efficiency and productivity in welding operations, and improve the quality and safety of welded products. The result is that the company gains stronger trust among customers and partners.

Some of the advantages of the ISO 3834-2-standard:

  • Competition Advantage

  • Cost Efficiency

  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations

  • Optimal Welding processes

  • Operational Control

  • Control over Final Product

"When we engaged Dovre Sertifisering I was immediately put at ease due to the open and approachable manner of their auditors and staff"

"Dovre Sertifiseiring were very knowledgeable in the area of energy management and had a personable approach during the certification process"

How to become ISO 3834-2 certified

Achieving ISO 3834-2 certification involves implementing a management system.

Hundreds of organizations have been certified to various ISO standards by Dovre Sertifisering, including companies such as Stangeland and Beerenberg.


Our ISO assessment experts will carry out a comprehensive multi-step assessment process to audit your environmental management system and determine whether your organization complies with ISO 3834-2 requirements.


If your company needs a gap analysis before certification, we can also provide this service to your company.

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Start the journey towards certification

Contact our team for a free, non-obligation quote from our dedicated professional ISO Business Development team to start your ISO certification journey. We tailor our offerings to meet your requirements and we support a range of ISO standards including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and ISO 3824-2


Find out more about Dovre Sertifisering's accreditations, discover our customer testimonials and find out more about how we can certify your management system.

